Monday, September 25, 2017

The Primary classes have enjoyed watching the construction of a new rain garden outside of their classrooms.  It has been exciting to see the diggers and other equipment transform this area of our school.  The students have also spied the new cistern outside of the media center.  The students were able to note the places where construction has taken place on our maps of the school during our map unit. 

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Fourth Grade Goes On a Rock Hunt!

The fourth graders are in the midst of a very exciting Earth Materials Unit. In this unit, students are looking and testing rocks and minerals in order to identify the type of rocks they are observing. Students are also learning different tricks and techniques used in order to classify rocks. 

This week classes went out and looked for rocks in different environments and rocks that have different characteristics. Students found rocks that were made up of different layers and sediments.