Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Another Exciting Year at Kingwood Montessori STEM Magnet School!

Kingswood Montessori STEM Magnet School embarked on a journey of taking learning outdoors a  few years ago.  We partnered with Randy Senzig of the Center for Human Earth Restoration, went through the Aldo Leopold training and started learning outside of our classrooms.

In case you don't know, students at Kingswood have monitored blue bird nesting boxes on our campus, gardened in raised beds, used our wonderful greenhouse, and become more environmentally literate citizens thanks to the Center for Human Earth Restoration, Cary Central Rotary, and Wake Ed Partnership.  These organizations have have donated time, energy, and funds to help all the students at Kingswood learn outdoors!

This year we will embark on a new journey involving soil gardening, hydroponics, and aquaponics!  Our whole school will be answering the question, How do plants grown with water and nutrients compare with plants grown in soil?  This will be a new journey for us and we hope you will follow along as we blog our failures (FAIL = First Attempt In Learning)  and successes and learn from it all, to become more environmentally literate citizens!